Rear windows, Performance, 2022.
Rear windows (0) Rear windows (1) Rear windows (2) Rear windows (3) Rear windows (4) Rear windows (5)

The performance Rear Windows explores the relationship between theatre, liveness, and cinema. It is an experiment in radical cinema that renegotiates the possibilities of interacting with the cinema screen. In the spirit of artist, curator, and writer Ian White (1971–2013) as well as Siegfried Kracauer's partly ethnographic method of critique, which he elaborated in particular in his study The Salaried Masses (1930), Rear Windows poses the question, how what we see is shaped by what we see it with. What follows is an essayistic reflection on cinema and performance, both as physical environments as well as art forms.

Concept and Performance: Amina Szecsödy, Lena Appel, Anneliese Ostertag, 

Accompanying films:
She Puppet
2001. Peggy Ahwesh. 15 Min.
2018. Klara Lidén. 6 Min. 
Tombée de nuit sur Shanghaï
2007–2009. Chantal Akerman. 14 Min. 
Buenos Aires (Parc Central series)
2003. Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster. 4 Min.

Supported by Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main.
