findus (laterna magica), Performance, 2018.
findus (laterna magica) (0) findus (laterna magica) (1) findus (laterna magica) (2) findus (laterna magica) (3) findus (laterna magica) (4) findus (laterna magica) (5) findus (laterna magica) (6) findus (laterna magica) (7)

findus (lanterna magica) was premiered as Szecsödyʼs bachelor project at Malmö Theatre Academy and the Findus factory in Bjuv, it was then offered to go on a Sweden tour in the name of the national union of the labor movement. The first part of findus1 (lanterna magica) starts in March 2016, when the owners of the food company Findus, a British venture capital company named Nomad Foods declared for 650 workers that the factory in Bjuv will be shut down. The performance exceeds from a written monologue consisting of interviews with the workers. We oscillate fragmentarily between the narrative of personal stories, work and global economy as an attempt to investigate the ever-changing material and immaterial factors.

Concept and performance: Amina Szecsödy

Supported by the Swedish Workers Association